Kenya's informal economy is 34% of it's GDP according to the IMF. Kenya's informal economy is starving Kenya's government of millions. Tax dodges preclude 3.4 million of welfare that the parasite class wishes to acquire.
Kenya's Parliamentary Budget Office has broken down the shadow economy into 3 areas. Keeping in mind most of these transactions are grey market exchanges. Their is a lack of bookkeeping is what makes them so successful.
The self-employed is the first group which includes farmers, traders, hawkers, carpenters, etc... Second are the wage slaves who are domestic workers, watchman, construction workers, and general labors.
The third is Jua Kali meaning hot sun is scorching the parasites. And it is growing they are mostly under the minimum tax bracket, and is estimated to be 7.9 million people. They survive without the parasites and do so as a means of empowering the poor. Their is even a book depicting The Jua Kila of Kenya. Which gives a detailed account of it's existence and it's growth from 1970 to 1995. These people know understand their property is their own and should not be usurped by parasites.
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